How a Thief Might Search the Most Secure Place First


When it comes to securing our belongings, we often place them in the most secure locations, assuming they will be safe from potential thieves. However, it's important to understand that skilled burglars may be aware of common security practices and may search the most secure places first. In this article, we'll explore why thieves might target these areas and how you can protect your valuable possessions effectively.

1. Valuables in Master Bedrooms

Master bedrooms are often considered the most secure areas in a home. Homeowners typically keep their jewelry, cash, and other valuable items here, assuming that burglars won't find them easily. Unfortunately, thieves are well aware of this practice and will often target master bedrooms first.

To safeguard your valuables, consider using hidden compartments, diversion safes, or storing them in less obvious locations. Installing a home safe in a less predictable area of your house can also provide an additional layer of protection.

2. Home Safes and Locked Cabinets

While home safes and locked cabinets are designed to keep your belongings secure, they can also be attractive targets for burglars. Skilled thieves know that these areas often house important documents, expensive jewelry, and other high-value items.

To outsmart potential thieves, consider hiding your safe or locked cabinet in an unconventional location. You could disguise it as part of a built-in wall unit, install it in a less predictable area like the basement or garage, or even hide it behind a false wall or panel.

3. Personal Offices and Study Rooms

Thieves understand that personal offices and study rooms often contain valuable electronics, computers, and potentially sensitive information. They know that individuals tend to store important documents, financial records, and digital storage devices in these areas.

To protect your belongings, consider encrypting sensitive digital information, backing up important files to secure cloud storage, and storing physical documents in fireproof safes or hidden compartments within the room. Additionally, ensure that doors and windows in these areas are secured with reliable locks and monitored by a security system.

4. Basements and Attics

Basements and attics are often overlooked when it comes to security measures, making them attractive targets for thieves. Homeowners commonly store valuable items, family heirlooms, and seasonal decorations in these areas.

To enhance security, ensure that basements and attics are well-lit, install motion-activated sensors, and consider reinforcing access points such as doors and windows. Store valuable items in locked cabinets or hidden compartments within these spaces, rather than leaving them in plain view.

5. Security Systems and Surveillance Equipment

While security systems and surveillance equipment provide essential protection for homes, burglars are aware that disabling or circumventing these systems is a common challenge they must overcome. Consequently, they may attempt to locate and disable these systems as their first priority.

To counteract this, consider placing security system components in inconspicuous locations or utilizing a combination of visible and hidden cameras. Additionally, ensure your security system is equipped with tamper-proof features and backup measures such as cellular monitoring.


Understanding how thieves operate and where they might search first can help you develop effective strategies to protect your valuable possessions. Avoid predictable hiding spots and consider utilizing hidden compartments, diversion safes, and unconventional storage locations to outsmart potential burglars.

Remember to implement a comprehensive security plan that includes strong locks, reliable alarm systems, proper lighting, and neighborhood watch programs. By being proactive and implementing multiple layers of security, you can significantly reduce the risk of your belongings being targeted by thieves.